5 Things Decorators Forgot To Tell You About Cushion Styling

5 Things Decorators Forgot To Tell You About Cushion Styling

Despite a surfeit of cushion styling how-to articles, we notice a few points have been left unsaid or glossed over. Indeed, we see basic mistakes people have made because they may not have come across these little decorating factoids which expert decorators may have forgotten to share.

In decorating, however, basic techniques are elemental to success. Integral to both practical and aesthetic aspects in the art of cushion arrangement are these heretofore vaguely discussed fundamentals.

Begin with a Blank Canvas

Take a step back to assess what you’re working with. Remove pillows, throws, and other accessories. You need to see a blank slate. Judge colour, proportions, style, and fabric. A blank canvas of a couch or bed allows you to gain a proper decorating perspective.

Should your couch or bed fall under a neutral colour range, you’re favoured with an easier start. If not, you may need to further contemplate on hues and tonal values that marry well with your lounge piece’s dominant colour. Take note of the style and colours in your room. These also often dictate the colour combinations of cushions you can play with.

Once you have decided on your base hue, contrast and accent colours, pick the base layer. This strata is expressed by plain cushions in the basal colour of choice. Choose fabrics that play texturally against that of your bed or sofa. Catch the eye, for instance, by piling velvet or cotton cushions on a linen-wrapped sofa. Play with fabric textures to help build visual and tactile interest as well.

Aside from colour and textural decisions, assess your blank canvas for the right proportions. The correct sizes of cushions achieve a visually balanced arrangement. For a large bed or sofa, choose 55 x 55 cm. cushions as the first layer. We suggest 50 x 50 cm. and 30 x 50 cm. sizes if you have a smaller area to cover.

Consider Your Personality or Lifestyle

Daily routines and movements often get shunted down the list of considerations when decorating a space. Most think of the picture-perfect value of the look first before taking into account whether certain choices of placement, colour or fabric make for practical, functional living.

What if you and your partner don’t relish the added chore of taking down a pile of cushions before going to bed and rearranging that same pile in the morning, day after day? Rather than opting for a luscious mound of gorgeous pillows, consider two or three large stunning cushions instead that would display beautifully and save chore time without sacrificing style or that coveted instagrammable look.

Change A Few to Transform the Mood

If you have the mood swings of a Gemini or get annually bored with the same look, simply switch up an accent cushion or two to refresh a sofa or even a room in a snap. Reflect holidays, seasonal celebrations, or a new ambience by introducing a few new pieces while keeping most of your cushion display. You can whip out the previous ones again when the appropriate mood strikes.

Throw In a Throw

Never underestimate the power of a throw to deliver eloquent polish to your arrangement. A throw brings a pop of colour or adds a finishing layer of gorgeous texture. As a decorative wrap, this strongly enhances the connotation of comfort and warmth of your couch or bed.

You can change a throw (and the look of your bed or sofa) with the seasons. In summer, opt for a light fabric; in winter, a wooly one.

Stick to a Quality-Minded Budget

It could be so tempting to lavish $300 each on the cushion of your dreams. But if your pockets only stretch so far, chances are you can only get one. You may think of saving by buying several trendy, low-quality pieces that eventually show their threads before the season even ends. With a budget to stick to, these purchasing decisions trail away from sound advice.

Wisely manage your pocket by investing in a few high-quality, reasonably priced pieces, preferably in classic styles or designs to build your cushion base. Classics stand the test of time and trends so these make sage investment choices.

You can then purchase a few trendy cushions with money saved from the budget or from a new allocation later.

With these extra basic pointers in mind, we hope we have helped you purchase a cushion collection that gives you joy for many years to come.

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